在过去的45年中,FST (Fine Science Tools)集团一直是欧洲精密外科和显微外科手术器械以及实验室配件的领先分销商。 FST (Fine Science Tools)精确地制作了1,000多种产品,并为全球大学,研究机构,生物技术和科学机构中的数千名客户提供服务。
FST (Fine Science Tools)公司的手术器械产品涵盖各种剪刀、镊子、骨科手术器械、各种手术刀及刀片、血管科手术器械、探针、撑开器、动物实验辅助设备、伤口缝合相关的手术器械。FST (Fine Science Tools)产品选用优质材料、采用人性化设计,可满足临床及科研上多种显微手术所需的各种常规及特殊手术器械,使手术等操作更为便利和准确。
FST (Fine Science Tools)与70多个业务合作伙伴合作,并与50多个分销商合作,这些分销商在实验室销售和手术设备领域均广为人知。 FST (Fine Science Tools)所有的欧洲制造商和供应商均已通过ISO 9001认证。 FST (Fine Science Tools)三个办公点的所有员工支持着全球科学和生物医学研究社区的广泛需求。
For over 45 years, the FST (Fine Science Tools) Group has been the leading distributor of precision European surgical and microsurgical instruments and laboratory accessories. At FST, we precisely craft over 1,000 products, and serve thousands of customers in universities, research facilities, biotech, and scientific institutions worldwide.
We team with over 70 business partners, and are working with over 50 distributors, all well-known in the fields of laboratory sales and surgical equipment. All of our European manufacturers and suppliers are ISO 9001 certified. And all of our employees at our three offices support the wide-ranging needs of our scientific and biomedical research communities around the globe.
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